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Hapes Cluster

The Hapes Cluster is a very compact cluster of Stars and Mid Rim gas, only two natural routes allow entry into the Cluster.

One of the access roads was discovered by the Lorell Raiders around 3000 BBY. They used the Amas to hide there. During their rapine, the Raiders kidnapped beautiful young women and settled in the first worlds: Hapes Prime, Lorell, Baldavia, Gallinore, and Charubah.


3000 BBY, the Jedi and the Raiders entered into conflict, the majority of the males were decimated, leaving the women to take power, and thus allowed the advent of the first Queen Mother who established the matriarchal foundations of the Consortium.


Very quickly, the Consortium closed  in on itself and remained relatively isolated until 8 ABY, when the Prince Isolder contacted the New Republic to ask for the hand of the Princess of Alderaan: Leia Organa.


Isolder's dealings will fail, he will marry a Dathomir witch: Teneniel Djo.


The Consortium of Hapes became an ally of the republic, especially during The Great Crisis of the Yuuzhan Vong.


Before returning to a certain isolation, Queen Mother Tenel Ka Chume Ta ’Djo attended the wedding of Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel.

The Hapes crest is representating the first colonized worlds by the Lorell Raiders during the Ages of Queen Mothers : Hapes Prime, Lorell, Baldavia, Gallinore, and Charubah.

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